
Use our Cutting-Edge AI technology to verify your Email Address.

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    Protect your sender reputation

    Our Service reduce your bounce rate by expelling invalid and dispensable email address from your contact list. We guaranteeing you gather and send to valid email addresses which plays a significant job in your marketing strategy, securing your sender reputation and guaranteeing you emails the target group.

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    Increase ROI

    Our tool will help you organize and clean your contact list, thus maximizing the efficiency of your email marketing campaign. Email validation will also convert more customers by focusing on connecting with your real audience. We protect the integrity of your email database and reduce the resources needed to manually correct invalid data.

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    Restful API supported

    Basic and ground-breaking JSON API giving real-time email address validation & verification. Its framework is REST-based, secured by 2048-bit HTTPS encryption, and seeking after the objective of helping developers and marketers in battling fake address and expanding achievement rates of email campaigns.

  • Catch All email verification
    Catch All email verification

    Our Email verifier will discover the exact and valid email address if the domain is catch all or accept all. Our unique algorithm will figure out the exact email address for GSuite or google mail or gmail and for Outlook or Office 365 or O365 catch all address

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    Ensure Inbox placement

    Major email providers measure bounce rates when deciding whether to route your message in the inbox or in the spam folder. Bounce rates greater than 5% pose a serious risk to inbox placement across all of your email channels. Reducing invalid address will guarantee inbox placement.

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    Plug and play

    This tool seamlessly integrate with any platform real-time or in a batch process and simple to coordinate. We offer a few API wrappers for consistent and simple integration on web sign up forms, ESP integration that finishes ongoing email check as your user type.

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    Maximize efficiency

    The email address checking tool will assist you with arranging and clean your contact list, in this way maximizing the efficiency of your email promoting effort. Email validation will likewise change over more clients by concentrating on associating with your genuine crowd.

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    Use AI Real time protection

    Our sophisticated AI tool we give each email with a Deliverability Score, a percent describing the likelihood the email is real and receiving mail. This AI is one of the unique in the market which helps to differentiate from our competitors.

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    Email typo correction

    Now you can use our service to identify mistyped email addresses in real time and provide your users the opportunity to correct their mistake before it’s too late. This helps the users to stop using unwanted resources on spell check on the email list.

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